
I created this site to introduce myself and my work to anyone interested in learning more. I currently work between Los Angeles (my base) and Oxford (visiting several times a year). I teach narrative medicine, global and human security, and trauma-sensitive interviewing as a duty of care. I am the CEO of a 501c nonprofit—the Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics—and founder of the Global Women’s Narratives Project. I am the daughter of Thomas Boyd III and Barksdale Thomas Boyd, the wife of David Judson, and the mother of our adult children Gio Barksdale Judson and Benjamin Boyd Judson. David is president of a fifth-generation stained glass studio, creating beautiful work around the world.

I am happy that you are here. I look forward to hearing from you if you have questions or wish to collaborate. There is so much good work that awaits us all.

“I was going to die, if not sooner then later, whether or not I had ever spoken myself. My silence had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you.” —Audre Lorde

The world is a means and not an end.

Ask the generous question. Always.